Potential Verb

Potential Verb

Protected: Potential Verb「言える(いえる、ieru)」and the Conjugation | can say/tell, be able to say/tell

「言える(いえる、ieru)」is a verb that is classified as a「可能動詞 (かのうどうし、kanō dōshi、potential verb)」. It means “can say” or “be able to say.” 「言う(いう、iu)」and「言える」are different verbs in Japanese.
Potential Verb

Potential Verb「泳げる(およげる、oyogeru)」and the Conjugation | can swim, be able to swim

「泳げる(およげる、oyogeru)」is a verb that is classified as a「可能動詞 (かのうどうし、kanō dōshi、potential verb)」. It means “can swim” or “be able to swim.” 「泳ぐ(およぐ、oyogu)」and「泳げる」are different verbs in Japanese.
Potential Verb

Potential Verb「会える(あえる、aeru)」and the Conjugation | can meet/see, be able to meet/see

「会える(あえる、aeru)」is a verb that is classified as a「可能動詞 (potential verb)」. It means “can meet” or “be able to meet.” It can also be translated as “can see” or “be able to see” depending on the sentence.「会う」and「会える」are different verbs in Japanese.