Animals How to say “lion” in Japanese | ライオン (raion) The Japanese vocabulary「ライオン (raion)」means "lion." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Animals
Animals How to say “sheep” in Japanese | 羊 (ひつじ、hitsuji) The Japanese vocabulary「羊 (ひつじ、hitsuji)」means "sheep." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.12.2022 Animals
Animals How to say “parrot” or “parakeet” in Japanese | インコ (inko) The Japanese vocabulary「インコ (inko)」means "parrot" or "parakeet." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 20.12.2022 Animals
Animals How to say “dolphin” in Japanese | イルカ (iruka) The Japanese vocabulary「イルカ (iruka)」means "dolphin." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 19.12.2022 Animals
Animals How to say “squid” in Japanese | イカ (いか、ika) The Japanese vocabulary「イカ (いか、ika)」means "squid." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 19.12.2022 Animals
Animals 猫、ネコ(ねこ、neko) | cat | Japanese Vocabulary and the Pronunciation 「猫 (ねこ、neko)」means "cat." Please learn the Japanese vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences. 08.05.2022 Animals