Body parts

Body parts

How to say “heel” in Japanese | かかと (kakato)

The Japanese vocabulary「かかと (kakato)」means "heel." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Body parts

How to say “hair” in Japanese | 髪 (かみ、kami)/ 髪の毛 (かみのけ、kami no ke)

The Japanese vocabulary「髪 (かみ、kami)」and「髪の毛 (かみのけ、kami no ke)」mean "hair." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Body parts

How to say “head” in Japanese | 頭 (あたま、atama)

The Japanese vocabulary「頭 (あたま、atama)」means "head." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Body parts

How to say “ankle” in Japanese | 足首 (あしくび、ashikubi)

The Japanese vocabulary「足首 (あしくび、ashikubi)」means "ankle." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Body parts

鼻(はな、Hana) | nose | Japanese Vocabulary and the Pronunciation

“Nose” is「鼻(はな, hana)」in Japanese. 「マスクは鼻まで覆ってください。」means "Please cover your nose with the mask."「鼻から息を吸ってください。」means "Please take a breath through your nose."