Education, Study, and Subjects

Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “exam,” or “test” in Japanese | 試験 (しけん、shiken)

The Japanese vocabulary「試験 (しけん、shiken)」means "exam,” or “test." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “science” in Japanese | 科学 (かがく、kagaku)

The Japanese vocabulary「科学 (かがく、kagaku)」means "science." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “history” in Japanese | 歴史 (れきし、rekishi)

The Japanese vocabulary「歴史 (れきし、rekishi)」means "history." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “division” in Japanese | 割り算 (わりざん、warizan)

The Japanese vocabulary「割り算 (わりざん、warizan)」means "division." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “English” in Japanese | 英語 (えいご、eigo)

The Japanese vocabulary「英語 (えいご、eigo)」means "English." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “mathematics” in Japanese | 算数 (さんすう、sansū)

The Japanese vocabulary「算数 (さんすう、sansū)」means "mathematics." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “Japanese history” in Japanese | 日本史 (にほんし、nihonshi)

The Japanese vocabulary「日本史 (にほんし、nihonshi)」means "Japanese history." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.