Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “marguerite daisy” in Japanese | マーガレット (māgaretto)

The Japanese vocabulary「マーガレット (māgaretto)」means "marguerite daisy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “artificial turf” in Japanese | 人工芝 (じんこうしば、jinkō-shiba)

The Japanese vocabulary「人工芝 (じんこうしば、jinkō-shiba)」means "artificial turf." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “azalea” in Japanese | ツツジ (tsutsuji)

The Japanese vocabulary「ツツジ (tsutsuji)」means "azalea." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “lavender” in Japanese | ラベンダー (rabendā)

The Japanese vocabulary「ラベンダー (rabendā)」means "lavender." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “flowerpot” in Japanese | 植木鉢 (うえきばち、uekibachi)

The Japanese vocabulary「植木鉢 (うえきばち、uekibachi)」means "flowerpot." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “lily” in Japanese | 百合 (ゆり、ユリ、yuri)

The Japanese vocabulary「百合 (ゆり、ユリ、yuri)」means "lily." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “hydrangea” in Japanese | 紫陽花 (あじさい、アジサイ、ajisai)

The Japanese vocabulary「紫陽花 (あじさい、アジサイ、ajisai)」means "hydrangea." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentenc...
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “fertilizer” or “manure” in Japanese | 肥料 (ひりょう、hiryō)

The Japanese vocabulary「肥料 (ひりょう、hiryō)」means "fertilizer” or “manure." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “tulip” in Japanese | チューリップ (churippu)

The Japanese vocabulary「チューリップ (churippu)」means "tulip." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees

How to say “rose” in Japanese | 薔薇 (ばら、バラ、bara)

The Japanese vocabulary「薔薇 (ばら、バラ、bara)」means "rose." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.