い-Adjectives Protected: How to say “sweet” in Japanese | 甘い (あまい、amai) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「甘い (あまい、amai)」means “sweet” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 12.02.2025 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “small” in Japanese | 小さい (ちいさい、chīsai) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「小さい (ちいさい、chīsai)」means “small” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 11.02.2025 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “big” or “large” in Japanese | 大きい (おおきい、ōkī) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「大きい (おおきい、ōkī)」means “big" or "large” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 05.02.2025 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “smelly” in Japanese | 臭い (くさい、kusai) The Japanese vocabulary「臭い (くさい、kusai)」means "smelly." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 21.02.2024 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “light (weight)” in Japanese | 軽い (かるい、karui) The Japanese vocabulary「軽い (かるい、karui)」means "light (weight)." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 11.12.2023 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “heavy” in Japanese | 重い (おもい、omoi) The Japanese vocabulary「重い (おもい、omoi)」means "heavy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 11.12.2023 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “cheap” in Japanese | 安い (やすい、yasui) The Japanese vocabulary「安い (やすい、yasui)」means "cheap." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.12.2023 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “deep,” “profound,” or “dense” in Japanese | 深い (ふかい、fukai) The Japanese vocabulary「深い (ふかい、fukai)」means "deep,” “profound,” or “dense." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2023 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “hot” in Japanese | 暑い (あつい、atsui) The Japanese vocabulary「暑い (あつい、atsui)」means "hot." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2023 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “new” in Japanese | 新しい (あたらしい、atarashī) The Japanese vocabulary「新しい (あたらしい、atarashī)」means "new." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2023 い-Adjectives