Nouns (Others) How to say “fight,” “argument,” or “quarrel” in Japanese | 喧嘩 (けんか、kenka) The Japanese vocabulary「喧嘩 (けんか、kenka)」means "fight," "argument," or "quarrel." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 27.11.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “website” in Japanese | ホームページ (hōmupēji) The Japanese vocabulary「ホームページ (hōmupēji)」means "website." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 27.11.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “welcome party” in Japanese | 歓迎会 (かんげいかい、kangei-kai) The Japanese vocabulary「歓迎会 (かんげいかい、kangei-kai)」means "welcome party." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 27.11.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “law” in Japanese | 法律 (ほうりつ、hōritsu) The Japanese vocabulary「法律 (ほうりつ、hōritsu)」means "law." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 23.11.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “movie” in Japanese | 映画 (えいが、eiga) The Japanese vocabulary「映画 (えいが、eiga)」means "movie." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 30.09.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “blood type” in Japanese | 血液型 (けつえきがた、ketsuekigata) The Japanese vocabulary「血液型 (けつえきがた、ketsuekigata)」means "blood type." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 30.09.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “queue” or “line” in Japanese | 行列 (ぎょうれつ、gyōretsu) The Japanese vocabulary「行列 (ぎょうれつ、gyōretsu)」means "queue” or “line." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 30.09.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “club in a university” in Japanese | サークル (sākuru) The Japanese vocabulary「サークル (sākuru)」means "club in a university." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 30.09.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “automatic door” in Japanese | 自動ドア (じどうどあ、jidō doa) The Japanese vocabulary「自動ドア (じどうどあ、jidō doa)」means "automatic door." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2023 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “tossing (someone) into the air” in Japanese | 胴上げ (どうあげ、dōage) The Japanese vocabulary「胴上げ (どうあげ、dōage)」means "tossing (someone) into the air." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2023 Nouns (Others)