Jobs How to say “employee” in Japanese | 社員 (しゃいん、shain) The Japanese vocabulary「社員 (しゃいん、shain)」means "employee." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 09.12.2024 Jobs
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “lottery” in Japanese | 宝くじ (たからくじ、takarakuji) The Japanese vocabulary「宝くじ (たからくじ、takarakuji)」means "lottery." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 06.12.2024 Things, Items, and Tools
Nouns (Others) How to say “advertisement” in Japanese | 広告 (こうこく、Kōkoku) The Japanese vocabulary「広告 (こうこく、Kōkoku)」means "advertisement." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 05.12.2024 Nouns (Others)
Nouns (Others) How to say “habit” or “routine” in Japanese | 習慣 (しゅうかん、shūkan) The Japanese vocabulary「習慣 (しゅうかん、shūkan)」means "habit” or “routine." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.12.2024 Nouns (Others)
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “weekday/s” in Japanese | 平日 (へいじつ、heijitsu) The Japanese vocabulary「平日 (へいじつ、heijitsu)」means "weekday/s." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 02.12.2024 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Home Appliances How to say “projector” in Japanese | プロジェクター (purojekutā) The Japanese vocabulary「プロジェクター (purojekutā)」means "projector." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.11.2024 Home Appliances
Nouns (Others) How to say “litter picking” in Japanese | ゴミ拾い (ごみひろい 、gomi-hiroi) The Japanese vocabulary「ゴミ拾い (ごみひろい 、gomi-hiroi)」means "litter picking." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 26.11.2024 Nouns (Others)
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “sickle” in Japanese | 鎌 (かま、カマ、kama) The Japanese vocabulary「鎌 (かま、カマ、kama)」means "sickle." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 26.11.2024 Things, Items, and Tools
Sports How to say “volleyball” in Japanese | バレーボール (barēbōru) The Japanese vocabulary「バレーボール (barēbōru)」means "volleyball." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 25.11.2024 Sports
Animals How to say “leopard” or “panther” in Japanese | 豹 (ひょう、hyō) The Japanese vocabulary「豹 (ひょう、hyō)」means "leopard” or “panther." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 20.11.2024 Animals