Japanese Vocabulary


How to say “study” in Japanese | 勉強 (べんきょう、benkyō)

The Japanese vocabulary「勉強 (べんきょう、benkyō)」means "study." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “reply” or “answer” in Japanese | 返事 (へんじ、henji)

The Japanese vocabulary「返事 (へんじ、henji)」means "reply” or “answer." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “put in” in Japanese | 入れる (いれる、ireru)

The Japanese vocabulary「入れる (いれる、ireru)」means "put in." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “go/turn back” or “return” in Japanese | 戻る (もどる、modoru)

The Japanese vocabulary「戻る (もどる、modoru)」means "go/turn back” or “return." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “get” or “receive” in Japanese | 貰う (もらう、morau)

The Japanese vocabulary「貰う (もらう、morau)」means "get” or “receive." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “priority” in Japanese | 優先 (ゆうせん、yūsen)

The Japanese vocabulary「優先 (ゆうせん、yūsen)」means "priority." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “childhood friend” in Japanese | 幼馴染み (おさななじみ、osananajimi)

The Japanese vocabulary「幼馴染み (おさななじみ、osananajimi)」means "childhood friend." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “nephew” in Japanese | 甥 (おい、oi)

The Japanese vocabulary「甥 (おい、oi)」means "nephew." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “absence from home” or “being away from home” in Japanese | 留守 (るす、rusu)

The Japanese vocabulary「留守 (るす、rusu)」means "absence from home” or “being away from home." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “downtown” or “city center” in Japanese | 繁華街 (はんかがい、hankagai)

The Japanese vocabulary「繁華街 (はんかがい、hankagai)」means "downtown" or "city center." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.