Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “fall” or “autumn” in Japanese | 秋 (あき、aki) The Japanese vocabulary「秋 (あき、aki)」means "arm." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.05.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Body parts How to say “arm” in Japanese | 腕 (うで、ude) The Japanese vocabulary「腕 (うで、ude)」means "arm." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 27.05.2023 Body parts
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “umbrella” in Japanese | 傘 (かさ、kasa) The Japanese vocabulary「傘 (かさ、kasa)」means "umbrella." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 25.05.2023 Things, Items, and Tools
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “toy” in Japanese | おもちゃ (omocha) The Japanese vocabulary「おもちゃ (omocha)」means "toy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 25.05.2023 Things, Items, and Tools
Drinks How to say “milk” in Japanese | 牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう、gyūnyū) The Japanese vocabulary「牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう、gyūnyū)」means "milk." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.03.2023 Drinks
Home Appliances How to say “stove” or “heater” in Japanese | ストーブ (sutōbu) The Japanese vocabulary「ストーブ (sutōbu)」means "stove" or "heater." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.03.2023 Home Appliances
Vehicles How to say “roller coaster” in Japanese | ジェットコースター (jettokōsutā) The Japanese vocabulary「ジェットコースター (jettokōsutā)」means "roller coaster." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.03.2023 Vehicles
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “day of the week” in Japanese | 曜日 (ようび、yōbi) The Japanese vocabulary「曜日 (ようび、yōbi)」means "day of the week." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 02.03.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “money” in Japanese | お金 (おかね、okane) The Japanese vocabulary「お金 (おかね、okane)」means "money." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 02.03.2023 Things, Items, and Tools
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “thermometer” in Japanese | 温度計 (おんどけい、ondokei) The Japanese vocabulary「温度計 (おんどけい、ondokei)」means "thermometer." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.02.2023 Things, Items, and Tools