Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “October” in Japanese | 十月 (じゅうがつ、jū gatsu) The Japanese vocabulary「十月 (じゅうがつ、jū gatsu)」means "October." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.01.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “potato” in Japanese | ジャガイモ (じゃがいも、jagaimo) The Japanese vocabulary「ジャガイモ (じゃがいも、jagaimo)」means "potato." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.01.2023 Fruits and Vegetables
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “November” in Japanese | 十一月 (じゅういちがつ、jūichigatsu) The Japanese vocabulary「十一月 (じゅういちがつ、jūichigatsu)」means "November." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 08.01.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “today” in Japanese | 今日 (きょう、kyō) The Japanese vocabulary「今日 (きょう、kyō)」means "today." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.01.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “next week” in Japanese | 来週 (らいしゅう、raishū) The Japanese vocabulary「来週 (らいしゅう、raishū)」means "next week." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.01.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Sports How to say “baseball” in Japanese | 野球 (やきゅう、yakyū) The Japanese vocabulary「野球 (やきゅう、yakyū)」means "baseball." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.01.2023 Sports
Science and Nature How to say “full moon” in Japanese | 満月 (まんげつ、mangetsu) The Japanese vocabulary「満月 (まんげつ、mangetsu」means "full moon." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.01.2023 Science and Nature
Science and Nature How to say “sun” in Japanese | 太陽 (たいよう、taiyō) The Japanese vocabulary「太陽 (たいよう、taiyō」means "sun." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.01.2023 Science and Nature
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “mango” in Japanese | マンゴー (mangō) The Japanese vocabulary「マンゴー (mangō)」means "mango." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “banana” in Japanese | バナナ (banana) The Japanese vocabulary「バナナ (banana)」means "banana." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Fruits and Vegetables