Home Appliances How to say “vacuum cleaner” in Japanese | 掃除機 (そうじき、sōjiki) The Japanese vocabulary「掃除機 (そうじき、sōjiki)」means "vacuum cleaner." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Home Appliances
Home Appliances How to say “washing machine” in Japanese | 洗濯機 (せんたくき、sentakuki) The Japanese vocabulary「洗濯機 (せんたくき、sentakuki)」means "washing machine." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Home Appliances
Animals How to say “deer” in Japanese | 鹿 (しか、shika) The Japanese vocabulary「鹿 (しか、shika)」means "deer." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Animals
Interior and Furniture How to say “wood stove” in Japanese | 薪ストーブ (maki sutōbu) The Japanese vocabulary「薪ストーブ (maki sutōbu)」means "wood stove." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Interior and Furniture
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “Japanese dictionary” in Japanese | 国語辞典 (こくごじてん、kokugo jiten) The Japanese vocabulary「国語辞典 (こくごじてん、kokugo jiten)」means "Japanese dictionary." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Things, Items, and Tools
Units of Measurement How to say “distance” in Japanese | 距離 (きょり、kyori) The Japanese vocabulary「距離 (きょり、kyori)」means "distance." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Units of Measurement
Countries, Prefectures, and Cities How to say “Sydney” in Japanese | シドニー (shidonī) The Japanese vocabulary「シドニー (shidonī)」means "Sydney." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Countries, Prefectures, and Cities
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “five o’clock” in Japanese | 五時/ 5時 (ごじ、goji) The Japanese vocabulary「五時/ 5時 (ごじ、goji)」means "five o'clock." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Sports How to say “soccer” or “football” in Japanese | サッカー (sakkā) The Japanese vocabulary「サッカー (sakkā)」means "soccer” or “football." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Sports
Animals How to say “raccoon dog” in Japanese | タヌキ (たぬき、tanuki) The Japanese vocabulary「タヌキ (たぬき、tanuki)」means "raccoon dog." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 03.01.2023 Animals