Japanese Vocabulary


珈琲 (コーヒー、 kōhī ) | coffee | Japanese Vocabulary and the Pronunciation

The Japanese vocabulary「珈琲 (コーヒー、 kōhī)」means “coffee.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “hello” in Japanese | こんにちは (kon’nichiwa)

The Japanese vocabulary「こんにちは (kon’nichiwa)」means “hello.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

猫、ネコ(ねこ、neko) | cat | Japanese Vocabulary and the Pronunciation

「猫 (ねこ、neko)」means "cat." Please learn the Japanese vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

How to say “ant” in Japanese | 蟻 (アリ、あり、ari)

「蟻 (あり、ari)」means "ant." Please learn the Japanese vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.