Things, Items, and Tools How to say “lawn mower” in Japanese | 芝刈り機 (しばかりき、shibakariki) The Japanese vocabulary「芝刈り機 (しばかりき、shibakariki)」means "lawn mower." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 16.10.2024 Things, Items, and Tools
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees How to say “azalea” in Japanese | ツツジ (tsutsuji) The Japanese vocabulary「ツツジ (tsutsuji)」means "azalea." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 15.10.2024 Gardening, Flowers, and Trees
Science and Nature How to say “river” in Japanese | 川 (かわ、kawa) The Japanese vocabulary「川 (かわ、kawa)」means "river." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 14.10.2024 Science and Nature
Places How to say “police station” in Japanese | 警察署(けいさつしょ、keisatsusho The Japanese vocabulary「警察署(けいさつしょ、keisatsusho)」means "police station." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 12.10.2024 Places
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “broom” in Japanese | ほうき (hōki) The Japanese vocabulary「ほうき (hōki)」means "broom." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 07.10.2024 Things, Items, and Tools
Insects How to say “grasshopper” in Japanese | バッタ (batta) The Japanese vocabulary「バッタ (batta)」means "grasshopper." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.09.2024 Insects
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “asparagus” in Japanese | アスパラガス (asuparagasu) The Japanese vocabulary「アスパラガス (asuparagasu)」means "asparagus." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 27.09.2024 Fruits and Vegetables
Musical Instruments How to say “cymbal” in Japanese | シンバル (shinbaru) The Japanese vocabulary「シンバル (shinbaru)」means "cymbal." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 25.09.2024 Musical Instruments
Education, Study, and Subjects How to say “science” in Japanese | 科学 (かがく、kagaku) The Japanese vocabulary「科学 (かがく、kagaku)」means "science." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 25.09.2024 Education, Study, and Subjects
Fish and Sea Creatures How to say “sea bass” in Japanese | スズキ (すずき、suzuki) The Japanese vocabulary「スズキ (すずき、suzuki)」means "sea bass." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2024 Fish and Sea Creatures