Commonly Used Phrases in Japanese Conversation Lessons Part 1 | Used At the Start of Using Skype

Commonly Used Phrases in Japanese Conversation Lessons

We will introduce common phrases used in our private conversation lessons. Today’s phrases are focused on starting Skype. Please learn them to start our lesson smoothly. By the way, we accept all levels. When you cannot understand our Japanese, we will teach it until you understand it using English.

Commonly Used Japanese Phrases

All phrases are in polite form.

In Skype Chat When Ichiyo Contacts You for the First Time

Japanese Phrasesはじめまして。一陽いちようです。
Romaji ReadingHajimemashite. Ichiyō desu.
English MeaningNice to meet you. This is Ichiyo.

「一陽」is a rare Japanese name.

Japanese Phraseレッスンにご参加さんかいただきありがとうございます。
Romaji ReadingRessun ni go sanka itadaki arigatō gozaimasu.
English MeaningThank you for participating in my lesson.
Japanese Phrase今後こんごともよろしくおねがいいたします。
Romaji ReadingKongotomo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
English MeaningWe look forward to your continued support in the future.

This is a customary greeting phrase. It has no exact English translation. Therefore, this translation was created by Ichiyo to suit the situation.「今後とも」means “from now on.”

Japanese Phrasesはじめまして。エマともうします。よろしくおねがいいたします。
Romaji ReadingHajimemashite. Ema to mōshimasu. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
English MeaningNice to meet you. My name is Emma. I’m looking forward to taking your lesson.

I’m (name). = 「わたしは(name)です。」/ My name is (name). =「私の名前なまえは(name)です。」
I think you learned these sentences when you were a beginner. However,「~ともうします。」is usually used by adults.
My name is (name). = (name)ともうします。: More polite
This time, I translated「よろしくおねがいいたします。」as “I’m looking forward to taking your lesson.”

In Skype Chat When a Lesson Starts

Japanese Phrasesこちら通話つうわ準備じゅんびができました。よろしくおねがいいたします。
Romaji ReadingKochira tsūwa no junbi ga dekimashita. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
English MeaningI’m ready to call. Let’s get started.

We often use this phrase in Skype chat when we start our lessons. 「こちら」is often translated as “here” or “this.” However, it means “I” in this case. This time, I translated「よろしくお願いいたします。」as “Let’s get started.”

Japanese Phrasesわたしも準備ができました。よろしくお願いいたします。
Romaji ReadingWatashi mo junbi ga dekimashita. Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
English MeaningI’m ready too. Let’s do it.

At the Beginning of a Lesson

Japanese Phrasesこんにちは。ケニーさん、音声おんせいこえますか。
Romaji ReadingKonnichiwa. Kenī-san, onsei wa kikoemasu ka.
English MeaningHello. Can Kenny (you) hear the audio?

Using「あなた (you)」is a bit rude in this case. Therefore, we use his/her name instead of 「あなた (you)」.

Japanese Phraseわたしこえは、こえますか。
Romaji ReadingWatashi no koe wa kikoemasu ka.
English MeaningCan you hear me?

The literal translation is “Can you hear my voice?”

Japanese Phraseはい、聞こえます。
Romaji ReadingHai, kikoemasu.
English MeaningYes, I can hear you.
Japanese Phrasesすみません。聞こえません。
Romaji ReadingSumimasen. Kikoemasen.
English MeaningI’m sorry. I can’t hear you.

Japanese people tend to avoid using「いいえ (no)」. We often use「すみません (sorry)」instead.

Japanese Phraseスカイプの設定せっていボタンをしてください。
Romaji ReadingSukaipu no settei botan o oshite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease click the settings button on Skype.
Japanese Phrase押しました。
Romaji ReadingOshimashita.
English MeaningI clicked it.
Japanese Phraseマイクとスピーカーの設定せってい確認かくにんしてください。
Romaji ReadingMaiku to supīka no settei o kakunin shite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease check your microphone and speaker settings.

We use Skype chat when we cannot hear the student’s audio. Please check it in this case.

Japanese Phrase少々しょうしょうちください。
Romaji ReadingShōshō omachi kudasai.
English MeaningJust a second, please.
Japanese Phrase使用しようするマイクを選択せんたくしてください。
Romaji ReadingShiyō suru maiku o sentaku shite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease select the microphone to be used.

We use this phrase when the teacher cannot hear the student’s voice.

Japanese Phrase使用するスピーカーを選択してください。
Romaji ReadingShiyō suru supīkā o sentaku shite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease select the speakers to be used.

We use this phrase when the student cannot hear the teacher’s audio.

Japanese Phrase音量おんりょうはいかがですか。
Romaji ReadingOnryō wa ikaga desu ka.
English MeaningHow is the volume?
Japanese Phraseすここえますが、こえちいさいです。
Romaji ReadingSukoshi kikoemasu ga, koe ga chīsai desu.
English MeaningI can hear you a little, but your voice is small.
Japanese Phraseくちをマイクにちかづけてください。
Romaji ReadingKuchi o maiku ni chikazukete kudasai.
English MeaningPlease move your mouth closer to your microphone.
Japanese Phraseいま丁度ちょうどいいです。
Romaji ReadingIma, chōdo ī desu.
English MeaningNow, it’s just right.

「いい」is a casual reading. The official reading is「い」

Japanese Phrase今、音声おんせいこえました。
Romaji ReadingIma, onsei ga kikoemashita.
English MeaningNow, I can hear the audio.
Japanese Phraseそれでは、レッスンをはじめましょう。
Romaji ReadingSoredewa, ressun o hajimemashou.
English MeaningNow, let’s get our lesson started.

The lesson time is shortened if your PC error interrupts your lesson. To avoid wasting time, please check your Skype settings and internet connection before the lesson.

To Have Correct Japanese Language Skills

We teach Japanese to non-native Japanese learners. From our experience, 90% of Japanese learners use incorrect Japanese and often speak rudely, even though they have lived in Japan for many years.

Therefore, we created two services. One is our "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson" and the other is our "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service.

In the "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson," you can talk with a native Japanese teacher. Let us practice conversation together!

private Japanese conversation lesson

In the "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service, we will check your Japanese daily through email. Please show us the Japanese sentences that you wrote, your pronunciations, your handwritten Japanese characters, and so on. You can also ask us questions about Japanese.

Daily Japanese Mail Support

If you are a member of our private lesson or "Daily Japanese Mail Support," we can check and correct your Japanese every day.

The details are on our website:
