Commonly Used Phrases in Japanese Conversation Lessons Part 2 | Our Instructions, Questions, and Replies

Commonly Used Japanese Phrases “Our instructions, Questions, and Replies ”

We will introduce common phrases used in our private conversation lessons. Today’s phrases are focused on our instructions, questions, and replies. Please learn them to start our lesson smoothly. By the way, we accept all levels. When you cannot understand our Japanese, we will teach it until you understand it using English.

Commonly Used Phrases in Japanese Conversation Lessons Part 1 | Used At the Start of Using Skype

Commonly Used Japanese Phrases

All phrases are in polite form.

Our Instructions and Replies

Japanese Phraseでは、このぶんんでください。
Romaji ReadingDewa, kono bun o yonde kudasai.
English MeaningNow, please read this sentence.

(Verb in て Form)+ ください。= Please (Verb).

Japanese Phraseはい、「吉田よしださんは、野球やきゅう選手せんしゅです。」
Romaji ReadingHai, “Yoshida-san wa, yakyū senshu desu.”
English MeaningOkay, “Yoshida-san is a baseball player.”
Japanese Phrase「野球選手」の発音はつおんりにくいです。
Romaji Reading“Yakyū senshu” no hatsuon ga kikitori nikui desu.
English MeaningIt’s hard to listen to your pronunciation of “野球選手.”
Japanese Phrase私の発音をいてください。
Romaji ReadingWatashi no hatsuon o kīte kudasai.
English MeaningPlease listen to my pronunciation.
Japanese Phraseでは、発音してください。
Romaji ReadingDewa, hatsuon shite kudasai.
English MeaningNow, please pronounce it.
Japanese Phraseでは、ってみてください。
Romaji ReadingDewa, itte mite kudasai.
English MeaningNow, please try to say it.

If you do not know the difference between「言ってください」and「言ってみてください」, please ask about it in our lesson or mail support.

Japanese Phraseマイクさんの発音はつおんは「やきゅ」とこえます。
Romaji ReadingMaiku-san no hatsuon hatsu on wa”yakyu”to kikoemasu.
English MeaningMike-san’s pronunciation sounds like “やきゅ.”

There is a reason that I use “Mike-san” not “Mike” in the translation.

Japanese Phrasesただしくは「やきゅう」です。ただしいのは「やきゅう」です。
Romaji ReadingTadashiku wa “yakyū” desu.Tadashī no wa “yakyū” desu.
English MeaningThe correct one is “やきゅう.”The correct one is “やきゅう.”
Japanese Phrases「きゅ」の母音ぼいんばして発音はつおんしてください。「きゅう」です。
Romaji Reading“Kyu” no boin o nobashite hatsuon shite kudasai. “Kyū” desu.
English MeaningPlease pronounce the vowel of “きゅ” as a long vowel. It’s “きゅう.”
Japanese Phraseわたしあとつづいて発音してください。
Romaji ReadingWatashi no ato ni tsuzuite hatsuon shite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease repeat after me.
Japanese Phrase漢字かんじめなかったらおしえてください。
Romaji ReadingKanji ga yomenakattara oshiete kudasai.
English MeaningPlease tell me when you can’t read kanji characters.
Japanese Phrasesすみません。この漢字が読めません。
Romaji ReadingSumimasen. Kono kanji ga yomemasen.
English MeaningI’m sorry. I can’t read this kanji.

Questions and Replies

Japanese Phraseこの漢字かんじなんみますか。
Romaji ReadingKono kanji wa nanto yomimasu ka.
English MeaningHow do you read this kanji?

In our “Daily Japanese Mail Support” service, members need to look up kanji meanings by themselves before they ask us. It is important to look up and think by ourselves first. To check their answer or opinion, we provide the service “Daily Japanese Mail Support.” On the other hand, in conversation lessons, students can ask us the kanji meanings immediately so as not to waste their lesson time.
By the way, Google translate often shows incorrect kanji readings. To have correct Japanese skills, we hope you take our lessons and services. We will check and teach Japanese every day.

Japanese Phraseそれは、「だいこん」とみます。
Romaji ReadingSore wa, “daikon” to yomimasu.
English MeaningIt’s read as “だいこん.”

大根だいこん」means “Japanese radish.”

Japanese Phraseこの漢字かんじ意味いみかりますか。
Romaji ReadingKono kanji no imi wa wakarimasu ka.
English MeaningDo you know the meaning of this kanji?
Japanese Phraseはい、それは「screen」という意味ですね。
Romaji ReadingHai, sore wa “screen” to iu imi desu ne.
English MeaningYes, it means “screen,” right?

“Screen” is「画面がめん」or「スクリーン」.

Japanese Phrasesそうですね。そのとおりです。
Romaji ReadingSōdesu ne. Sono tōri desu.
English MeaningYes. That’s right.

「こちら」is the polite form of「これ」.「これ」means “this.”「こちら」also means “me” depending on the situation.

Japanese Phraseこれは日本語にほんごなんいますか。
Romaji ReadingKore wa nihongo de nanto īmasu ka.
English MeaningHow do you say this in Japanese?
Japanese Phrasesそれは「ビルディング」です。
Romaji ReadingSore wa “birudingu” desu.
English MeaningIt’s “ビルディング.”
Japanese Phrase「ビルディング」でも間違まちいではないですが、普通ふつうは「ビル」といます。
Romaji Reading“Birudingu” demo machigai dewa nai desu ga, futsū wa “biru” to īmasu.
English Meaning“ビルディング” is not wrong but we usually call it as “ビル.”
Japanese Phrasesすみません。もう一度いちど言っていただけますか。
Romaji ReadingSumimasen. Mō ichido itte itadakemasu ka.
English MeaningI’m sorry. Could you say it again?
Japanese Phraseジョンさんの趣味しゅみについておしえてください。
Romaji ReadingJon-san no shumi ni tsuite oshiete kudasai.
English MeaningPlease tell me about John-san’s hobbies.
Japanese Phraseジョンさんがなにいたいかからなかったので、
Romaji ReadingJon-san ga nani o ītai ka wakaranakattanode,
eigo de bun o kaite okutte kudasai.
English MeaningI couldn’t understand what John-san wanted to say,
so please type the sentence in English and send it to me.

In many Japanese language schools, teachers only teach Japanese using Japanese. We have seen it causes misunderstandings. Therefore, we teach Japanese using both Japanese and English. One of our lesson mottos is to teach Japanese until our students understand it. To teach Japanese correctly, we often ask our students what they want to say in English.

Japanese Phrasesかしこまりました。英文えいぶんくので少々しょうしょうちください。
Romaji ReadingKashikomarimashita. Ēbun o kaku node shōshō omachi kudasai.
English MeaningI got it. Please wait a moment while I type the English sentence.

理由りゆう) ので = because (reason), due to (reason)

Japanese Phraseスカイプのチャットをてください。
Romaji ReadingSukaipu no chatto o mite kudasai.
English MeaningPlease look at the Skype chat.
Japanese Phraseはい、いまチャットをひらきました。
Romaji ReadingHai, ima chatto o hirakimashita.
English MeaningOkay, I opened the chat now.

The lesson time is shortened if your PC error interrupts your lesson. To avoid wasting time, please check your Skype settings and internet connection before the lesson.

To Have Correct Japanese Language Skills

We teach Japanese to non-native Japanese learners. From our experience, 90% of Japanese learners use incorrect Japanese and often speak rudely, even though they have lived in Japan for many years.

Therefore, we created two services. One is our "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson" and the other is our "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service.

In the "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson," you can talk with a native Japanese teacher. Let us practice conversation together!

private Japanese conversation lesson

In the "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service, we will check your Japanese daily through email. Please show us the Japanese sentences that you wrote, your pronunciations, your handwritten Japanese characters, and so on. You can also ask us questions about Japanese.

Daily Japanese Mail Support

If you are a member of our private lesson or "Daily Japanese Mail Support," we can check and correct your Japanese every day.

The details are on our website:
