How to say “air conditioner” in Japanese | エアコン (eakon)

The Japanese vocabulary「エアコン (eakon)」means “air conditioner.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Wordエアコン
Romaji Readingeakon
English Meaningair conditioner

To undersrand this chart correctly, please watch this video.

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example


The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceエアコンをつけて涼む。
Romaji ReadingEakon o tsukete suzumu.
English MeaningI turn on the air conditioner and cool off. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceエアコンをつけて涼みます。
Romaji ReadingEakon o tsukete suzumimasu.
English MeaningI turn on the air conditioner and cool off. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence部屋にエアコンを取り付けた。
Romaji ReadingHeya ni eakon o toritsuketa.
English MeaningI installed an air conditioner in the room. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence部屋にエアコンを取り付けました。
Romaji ReadingHeya ni eakon o toritsukemashita.
English MeaningI installed an air conditioner in the room. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence夜はエアコンの効いた部屋で寝る。
Romaji ReadingYoru wa eakon no kiita heya de neru.
English MeaningAt night, I sleep in a room where the air conditioner works well.
(Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence夜はエアコンの効いた部屋で寝ます。
Romaji ReadingYoru wa eakon no kiita heya de nemasu.
English MeaningAt night, I sleep in a room where the air conditioner works well.
(Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceエアコンの温度を上げて。
Romaji ReadingEakon no ondo o agete.
English MeaningRaise the air conditioner’s temperature.
(Spoken and Non-honorific Language, Casual)
Japanese Sentenceエアコンの温度を上げてください。
Romaji ReadingEakon no ondo o agete kudasai.
English MeaningPlease raise the air conditioner’s temperature. (Polite Form)

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