The Japanese vocabulary「朝顔 (あさがお、アサガオ、asagao)」means “morning glory.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning
Key Word | 朝顔、アサガオ |
Hiragana | あさがお |
Romaji Reading | asagao |
English Meaning | morning glory |
The Correct Japanese Pronunciations
Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.
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Our sub-YouTube channel (Japanese vocabulary videos): Ichiyo’s Subchannel
The Example Japanese Sentences
It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.
I brought home my morning glory flowerpot from school.
Plain Form:
Gakkō kara asagao no uekibachi o motte kaetta.
In elementary schools, students grow their own flowers. Before their summer vacation starts, they must bring home their flowers.
Polite Form:
Gakkō kara asagao no uekibachi o motte kaerimashita.
I planted morning glory seeds in class.
Plain Form:
Jugyō de asagao no tane o ueta.
Polite Form:
Jugyō de asagao no tane o uemashita.
Unfortunately, the morning glory has withered.
Plain Form:
Zan’nen’nagara, asagao ga karete shimatta.
Polite Form:
Zan’nen’nagara, asagao ga karete shimaimashita.
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