How to say “audience” or “spectator” in Japanese | 観客 (かんきゃく、kankyaku)

The Japanese vocabulary「観客 (かんきゃく、kankyaku)」means “audience” or “spectator.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word観客
Romaji Readingkankyaku
English Meaningaudience, spectator

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence観客かんきゃく声援せいえんこえる。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku no seien ga kikoeru.
English MeaningI can hear the spectators’ cheer. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence観客の声援が聞こえます。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku no seien ga kikoemasu.
English MeaningI can hear the spectators’ cheer. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence球場きゅうじょう観客かんきゃくでいっぱいだ。
Romaji ReadingKyūjō ga kankyaku de ippai da.
English MeaningThe baseball stadium is full of spectators. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence球場が観客でいっぱいです。
Romaji ReadingKyūjō ga kankyaku de ippai desu.
English MeaningThe baseball is full of spectators. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence観客かんきゃくすくなくさみしい。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku ga sukunaku, sabishī.
English MeaningIt is lonely with a few audiences. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence観客が少なく寂しいです。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku ga sukunaku, sabishī desu.
English MeaningIt is lonely with a few audiences. (Polite Form)

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