How to say “fall” or “autumn” in Japanese | 秋 (あき、aki)

The Japanese vocabulary「秋 (あき、aki)」means “arm.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word
Romaji Readingaki
English Meaningfall, autumn

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence秋の京都は涼しくて好きだ。
Romaji ReadingAki no Kyōto wa suzushikute sukida.
English MeaningI like Kyoto in autumn because it’s cool. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence秋の京都は涼しくて好きです。
Romaji ReadingAki no Kyōto wa suzushikute sukidesu.
English MeaningI like Kyoto in autumn because it’s cool. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence日本の四季の中で秋が一番好きだ。
Romaji ReadingNihon no shiki no naka de aki ga ichiban sukida.
English MeaningAutumn is my favorite among Japan’s four seasons. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence日本の四季の中で秋が一番好きです。
Romaji ReadingNihon no shiki no naka de aki ga ichiban sukidesu.
English MeaningAutumn is my favorite among Japan’s four seasons. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence秋にさつまいもを収穫する。
Romaji ReadingAki ni satsumaimo o shūkaku suru.
English MeaningWe harvest sweet potatoes in autumn. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence秋にさつまいもを収穫します。
Romaji ReadingAki ni satsumaimo o shūkaku shimasu.
English MeaningWe harvest sweet potatoes in autumn. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence栗、さんま、松茸など、秋は美味しい食べ物がたくさんある。
Romaji ReadingKuri, sanma, matsutake nado, aki wa oishī tabemono ga takusan aru.
English MeaningThere are many delicious foods in autumn such as chestnuts, saury, and matsutake mushrooms. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence栗、さんま、松茸など、秋は美味しい食べ物がたくさんあります。
Romaji ReadingKuri, sanma, matsutake nado, aki wa oishī tabemono ga takusan arimasu.
English MeaningThere are many delicious foods in autumn such as chestnuts, saury, and matsutake mushrooms. ( Polite Form)

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