How to say “hair” in Japanese | 髪 (かみ、kami)/ 髪の毛 (かみのけ、kami no ke)

The Japanese vocabulary「髪 (かみ、kami)」and「髪の毛 (かみのけ、kami no ke)」mean “hair.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word髪の毛
Romaji Readingkamikami no ke
English Meaninghairhair

These words don’t indicate “body hair.” These are used only for “head hair.”

To undersrand this chart correctly, please watch this video.

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example


The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceその女の子は髪を伸ばしている。
Romaji ReadingSono on’nanoko wa kami o nobashite iru.
English MeaningThe girl is growing her hair. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceその女の子は髪を伸ばしています。
Romaji ReadingSono on’nanoko wa kami o nobashite imasu.
English MeaningThe girl is growing her hair. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence髪を切って、寄付した。
Romaji ReadingKami o kitte, kifu shita.
English MeaningI cut my hair and donated it. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence髪を切って、寄付しました。
Romaji ReadingKami o kitte, kifu shimashita.
English MeaningI cut my hair and donated it. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence彼は、髪の色をよく変える。
Romaji ReadingKare wa, kami no iro o yoku kaeru.
English MeaningMy boy friend often changes his hair color. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence彼は、髪の色をよく変えます。
Romaji ReadingKare wa, kami no iro o yoku kaemasu.
English MeaningMy boy friend often changes his hair color. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence木村さんに髪の毛を切ってもらった。
Romaji ReadingKimura-san ni kaminoke o kitte moratta.
English MeaningI had Kimura-san cut my hair. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence木村さんに髪の毛を切ってもらいました。
Romaji ReadingKimura-san ni kaminoke o kitte moraimashita.
English MeaningI had Kimura-san cut my hair. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence森さんの髪の毛は、まっすぐで綺麗だ。
Romaji ReadingMori-san no kaminoke wa, massugu de kireida.
English MeaningMori-san’s hair is straight and beautiful. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence森さんの髪の毛は、まっすぐで綺麗です。
Romaji ReadingMori-san no kaminoke wa, massugu de kireidesu.
English MeaningMori-san’s hair is straight and beautiful. (Polite Form)

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