How to say “panic” in Japanese | 慌てる (あわてる、awateru)

The Japanese vocabulary「慌てる (あわてる、awateru)」means “panic.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word慌てる慌てます
Romaji Readingawateruawatemasu
English Meaningpanic
(Dictionary Form)
(Polite Form)

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceあわてずにすことができた。
Romaji ReadingAwatezu ni hi o kesu koto ga dekita.
English MeaningI was able to extinguish the fire without panicking. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence慌てずに火を消すことができました。
Romaji ReadingAwatezu ni hi o kesu koto ga dekimashita.
English MeaningI was able to extinguish the fire without panicking. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceわたしあわてると、かならわすものをする。
Romaji ReadingWatashi wa awateru to, kanarazu wasuremono o suru.
English MeaningWhen I’m in a hurry, I always forget something. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence私は慌てると、必ず忘れ物をします。
Romaji ReadingWatashi wa awateru to, kanarazu wasuremono o shimasu.
English MeaningWhen I’m in a hurry, I always forget something. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceあわてないようにゆうってじゅんする。
Romaji ReadingAwatenai yō ni yoyū o motte junbi suru.
English MeaningI prepare with plenty of time so as not to panic. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence慌てないように余裕を持って準備します。
Romaji ReadingAwatenai yō ni yoyū o motte junbi shimasu.
English MeaningI prepare with plenty of time so as not to panic. (Polite Form)

To Have Correct Japanese Language Skills

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