How to say “school” in Japanese | 学校 (がっこう、gakkō)

The Japanese vocabulary「学校 (がっこう、gakkō)」means “school.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word学校
Romaji Readinggakkō
English Meaningschool

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence3時に学校を出た。
Romaji ReadingSanji ni gakkō o deta.
English MeaningI left school at 3 o’clock. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence3時に学校を出ました。
Romaji ReadingSanji ni gakkō o demashita.
English MeaningI left school at 3 o’clock. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence明日は学校の入学式だ。
Romaji ReadingAshita wa gakkō no nyūgaku-shiki da.
English MeaningTomorrow is the school entrance ceremony. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence明日は学校の入学式です。
Romaji ReadingAshita wa gakkō no nyūgaku-shiki desu.
English MeaningTomorrow is the school entrance ceremony. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence今日は学校の創立記念日で休みだ。
Romaji ReadingKyō wa gakkō no sōritsu kinenbi de yasumi da.
English MeaningToday is a day off due to the school’s founding anniversary.
(Literal Translation, Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence今日は学校の創立記念日で休みです。
Romaji ReadingKyō wa gakkō no sōritsu kinenbi de yasumi desu.
English MeaningToday is a day off due to the school’s founding anniversary.
(Literal Translation, Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence朝7時までに家を出ないと学校に間に合わない。
Romaji ReadingAsa shichiji made ni ie o denai to gakkō ni maniawanai.
English MeaningIf I don’t leave my house until seven in the morning, I won’t be in time for school.
(Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence朝7時までに家を出ないと学校に間に合いません。
Romaji ReadingAsa shichiji made ni ie o denai to gakkō ni maniaimasen.
English MeaningIf I don’t leave my house until seven in the morning, I won’t be in time for school.
(Polite Form)

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