How to say “school bag for elementary school students” in Japanese | ランドセル (randoseru)

The Japanese vocabulary「ランドセル (randoseru)」means “school bag for elementary school students.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

If you do not know why the cell with “Hiragana” is blank, please read this page.

Key Wordランドセル
Romaji Readingrandoseru
English Meaningschool bag for elementary school students

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceランドセルがボロボロだ。
Romaji ReadingRandoseru ga boroboro da.
English MeaningThese school bags are worn out. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceランドセルがボロボロです。
Romaji ReadingRandoseru ga boroboro desu.
English MeaningThese school bags are worn out. (Polite Form)

「ランドセル」means “school bag for elementary school students.” We do not use the bag if we are not an elementary school student. We omitted the meaning “for elementary school students” in the English meaning of the following sentences.

Japanese Sentence6年間ろくねんかんでランドセルがボロボロになった。
Romaji ReadingRoku-nenkan de randoseru ga boroboro ni natta.
English MeaningMy school bag has worn out for the past six years. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence6年間でランドセルがボロボロになりました。
Romaji ReadingRoku-nenkan de randoseru ga boroboro ni natta.
English MeaningMy school bag has worn out for the past six years. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceにゅうがくじゅんで、最初さいしょにランドセルをった。
Romaji ReadingNyūgaku junbi de, saisho ni randoseru o katta.
English MeaningI first bought a school bag for school entrance preparation. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence入学準備で、最初にランドセルを買いました。
Romaji ReadingNyūgaku junbi de, saisho ni randoseru o kaimashita.
English MeaningI first bought a school bag for school entrance preparation.
(Polite Form)

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