How to say “stage” in Japanese | ステージ (sutēji)

The Japanese vocabulary「ステージ (sutēji)」means “stage.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

If you do not know why the cell with “Hiragana” is blank, please read this page.

Key Wordステージ
Romaji Readingsutēji
English Meaningstage

「ステージ」is derived from English. We also say it as…

Key Word舞台
Romaji Readingbutai
English Meaningstage

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceステージでげきをする。
Romaji ReadingSutēji de geki o suru.
English MeaningWe’ll perform a play on stage. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceステージで劇をします。
Romaji ReadingSutēji de geki o shimasu.
English MeaningWe’ll perform a play on stage. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceステージにった瞬間しゅんかん緊張きんちょうした。
Romaji ReadingSutēji ni tatta shunkan, kinchō shita.
English MeaningI was nervous the moment I stood on stage. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceステージに立った瞬間、緊張しました。
Romaji ReadingSutēji ni tatta shunkan, kinchō shimashita.
English MeaningI was nervous the moment I stood on stage. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence観客かんきゃくきゅうにステージにがってきた。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku ga kyū ni sutēji ni agatte kita.
English MeaningAn audience suddenly came up on stage. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence観客が急にステージに上がってきました。
Romaji ReadingKankyaku ga kyū ni sutēji ni agatte kimashita.
English MeaningAn audience suddenly came up on stage. (Polite Form)

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