How to say “strawberry” in Japanese | 苺 (いちご、イチゴ、ichigo)

The Japanese vocabulary「苺 (いちご、イチゴ、ichigo)」means “strawberry.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word苺、イチゴ
Romaji Readingichigo
English Meaningstrawberry

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceイチゴあじのかきごおりった。
Romaji ReadingIchigo aji no kakigōri o katta.
English MeaningI bought strawberry-flavored shaved ice. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceイチゴ味のかき氷を買いました。
Romaji ReadingIchigo aji no kakigōri o kaimashita.
English MeaningI bought strawberry-flavored shaved ice. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceケーキにイチゴをのせる。
Romaji ReadingKēki ni ichigo o noseru.
English MeaningI’ll put strawberries on the cake. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceケーキにイチゴをのせます。
Romaji ReadingKēki ni ichigo o nosemasu.
English MeaningI’ll put strawberries on the cake. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence両親りょうしんはイチゴを栽培さいばいしている。
Romaji ReadingRyōshin wa ichigo o saibai shite iru.
English MeaningMy parents grow strawberries. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence両親はイチゴを栽培しています。
Romaji ReadingRyōshin wa ichigo o saibai shite imasu.
English MeaningMy parents grow strawberries. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence学校がっこうでいちごジャムをつくった。
Romaji ReadingGakkō de ichigo jamu o tsukutta.
English MeaningI made strawberry jam at school. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence学校でいちごジャムを作りました。
Romaji ReadingGakkō de ichigo jamu o tsukurimashita.
English MeaningI made strawberry jam at school. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence明日あしたかれ一緒いっしょにイチゴりへ予定よていだ。
Romaji ReadingAshita, kare to issho ni ichigo gari e iku yotei da.
English MeaningI plan to go strawberry picking with my boyfriend tomorrow.
(Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence明日、彼と一緒にイチゴ狩りへ行く予定です。
Romaji ReadingAshita, kare to issho ni ichigo gari e iku yotei desu.
English MeaningI plan to go strawberry picking with my boyfriend tomorrow.
(Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceいちご大福だいふくき?
Romaji ReadingIchigo daifuku wa suki?
English MeaningDo you like strawberry red bean rice cakes?
(Spoken and Non-honorific Language, Casual)
Japanese Sentenceいちご大福は、好きですか。
Romaji ReadingIchigo daifuku wa, sukidesu ka.
English MeaningDo you like strawberry red bean rice cakes? (Polite Form)

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