How to say “subordinate” in Japanese | 部下 (ぶか、buka)

The Japanese vocabulary「部下 (ぶか、buka)」means “subordinate.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word部下
Romaji Readingbuka
English Meaningsubordinate

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentenceあの上司じょうしはいつも部下ぶか怒鳴どなっている。
Romaji ReadingAno jōshi wa itsumo buka o donatte iru.
English MeaningThat boss is always yelling at his subordinate. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentenceあの上司はいつも部下を怒鳴っています。
Romaji ReadingAno jōshi wa itsumo buka o donatte imasu.
English MeaningThat boss is always yelling at his subordinate. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence部下ぶかりょうづくりをたのんだ。
Romaji ReadingBuka ni shiryō- dzukuri o tanon da.
English MeaningI asked my subordinate to prepare a document. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence部下に資料作りを頼みました。
Romaji ReadingBuka ni shiryō- dzukuri o tanomimashita.
English MeaningI asked my subordinate to prepare a document. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence風邪かぜ部下ぶかやすみなので、代理だいりぎょうをする。
Romaji ReadingKaze de buka ga yasumi nanode, dairi de sagyō o suru.
English MeaningMy subordinate is taking a day off due to a cold,
so I’ll work on of him/her behalf. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence風邪で部下が休みなので、代理で作業をします。
Romaji ReadingKaze de buka ga yasuminanode, dairi de sagyō o shimasu.
English MeaningMy subordinate is taking a day off due to a cold,
so I’ll work on of him/her behalf. (Polite Form)

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