How to say “triangle” in Japanese | 三角形 (さんかくけい、sankakukei/さんかっけい、sankakkei)

The Japanese vocabulary「三角形 (さんかくけい、sankakukei/さんかっけい、sankakkei)」means “triangle.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

There are two types of reading. We usually use「さんかっけい」when speaking.

Key Word三角形
Romaji Readingsankakukei/sankakkei
English Meaningtriangle

The mark has another meaning, not only a triangle. If you do not know it, please read this page:

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

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Our sub-YouTube Channel (Japanese vocabulary videos): Ichiyo’s Subchannel

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence三角形さんかっけい頂点ちょうてんはどこ?
Romaji ReadingSankakkei no chōten wa doko?
English MeaningWhere are the vertices of this triangle?
(Spoken and Non-Honorific Language)

Using “?” is unofficial in Japanese. We use it in casual chat.

Japanese Sentence三角形の頂点はどこですか。
Romaji ReadingSankakkei no chōten wa doko desu ka.
English MeaningWhere is the vertex of this triangle? (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceじょう使つかって三角形さんかっけいいた。
Romaji ReadingJōgi o tsukatte sankakkei o kaita.
English MeaningI drew a triangle using a ruler. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence定規を使って三角形を書きました。
Romaji ReadingJōgi o tsukatte sankakkei o kakimashita.
English MeaningI drew a triangle using a ruler. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence三角形さんかっけいのボタンをした。
Romaji ReadingSankakkei no botan o oshita.
English MeaningI pressed the triangle button. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence三角形のボタンを押しました。
Romaji ReadingSankakkei no botan o oshimashita.
English MeaningI pressed the triangle button. (Polite Form)
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