How to say “Tuesday” in Japanese | 火曜日 (かようび、kayōbi)

The Japanese vocabulary「火曜日 (かようび、kayōbi)」means “Tuesday.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

Key Word火曜日
Romaji Readingkayōbi
English MeaningTuesday

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

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The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence月曜は定休日で、火曜日はやっている。
Romaji ReadingGetsuyō wa teikyūbi de, kayōbi wa yatte iru.
English MeaningMonday is a regular holiday, and it opens on Tuesday. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence月曜は定休日で、火曜日はやっています。
Romaji ReadingGetsuyō wa teikyūbi de, kayōbi wa yatte imasu.
English MeaningMonday is a regular holiday, and it opens on Tuesday. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence先週の火曜日にバイオリンの発表会があった。
Romaji ReadingSenshū no kayōbi ni baiorin no happyōkai ga atta.
English MeaningThere was a violin recital last Tuesday. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence先週の火曜日にバイオリンの発表会がありました。
Romaji ReadingSenshū no kayōbi ni baiorin no happyōkai ga arimashita.
English MeaningThere was a violin recital last Tuesday. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence私の通っている美容室は火曜日が定休日だ。
Romaji ReadingWatashi no kayotte iru biyōshitsu wa kayōbi ga teikyūbi da.
English MeaningThe beauty salon I go to is closed on Tuesdays. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence私の通っている美容室は火曜日が定休日です。
Romaji ReadingWatashi no kayotte iru biyōshitsu wa kayōbi ga teikyūbi desu.
English MeaningThe beauty salon I go to is closed on Tuesdays. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence火曜日の朝8時に駅で会おう。
Romaji ReadingKayōbi no asa hachi-ji ni eki de aou.
English MeaningLet’s meet at the station on Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock.
(Spoken and Non-honorific Language)
Japanese Sentence火曜日の朝8時に駅で会いましょう。
Romaji ReadingKayōbi no asa hachi-ji ni eki de aimashō.
English MeaningLet’s meet at the station on Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock.
(Polite Form)

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