How to say “website” in Japanese | ホームページ (hōmupēji)

The Japanese vocabulary「ホームページ (hōmupēji)」means “website.” Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

Japanese Vocabulary and the Meaning

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Key Wordホームページ
Romaji Readinghōmupēji
English Meaningwebsite

It’s derived from the English word “home page.” However, this word means “website” in English. We say “home page” as「トップページ」or「ホーム」.

The Correct Japanese Pronunciations

Please learn the pronunciation by watching the attached video. You can also learn example sentences.

The Example Japanese Sentences

It is important to have skills in both non-honorific and honorific languages in order to use Japanese correctly.

Japanese Sentence今時いまどきホームページの会社かいしゃすくない。
Romaji ReadingImadoki hōmupēji no nai kaisha wa sukunai.
English MeaningI’ll attend my daughter’s wedding. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence今時ホームページの無い会社は少ないです。
Romaji ReadingImadoki hōmupēji no nai kaisha wa sukunai desu.
English MeaningI’ll attend my daughter’s wedding. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentence弊社へいしゃではホームページ制作せいさくサービスをはじめた。
Romaji ReadingHeisha de wa hōmupēji seisaku sābisu o hajimeta.
English MeaningOur company started a website creation service. (Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence弊社ではホームページ制作サービスを始めました。
Romaji ReadingHeisha de wa hōmupēji seisaku sābisu o hajimemashita.
English MeaningMy company started a service making websites. (Polite Form)
Japanese Sentenceあたらしい商品しょうひんをホームページにアップする。
Romaji ReadingAtarashī shōhin o hōmupēji ni appu suru.
English MeaningI’ll upload a new product to our website. /
I’ll upload new products to our website.
(Plain Form)
Japanese Sentence商品をホームページにアップします。
Romaji ReadingAtarashī shōhin o hōmupēji ni appu shimasu.
English MeaningI’ll upload a new product to our website. /
I’ll upload new products to our website.
(Polite Form)

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