I’m Ichiyo and I represent “Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson.”
My job is teaching Japanese to non-native Japanese learners.
Can you make a request in Japanese? We will teach you how to say “Please ~.” Please learn the grammar and some phrases through this page.
Japanese Phrase「~てください。」
Please (verb).
「~てください。」is used in this structure.
Example Sentences of「~てください。」
起きてください。Please get up. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 起きる | 起きて |
Romaji Reading | okiru | okite |
English Meaning | get up | N/A |
We do not know the exact meaning of the verb in て form without knowing the sentence and situation. Therefore, we wrote “N/A.” When it is connected to「ください」, we can understand it.
こっちを見てください。Please look at me/here. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 見る | 見て |
Romaji Reading | miru | mite |
English Meaning | see/watch/look | N/A |
文法を勉強してください。Please study the grammar. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | する | して |
Romaji Reading | suru | shite |
English Meaning | do | N/A |
In English, the structure of the verb “study” is composed of only one part of speech. However,「勉強する」is composed of two parts of speech.「勉強」is a noun and「する」is a verb.
3ページ目を開いてください。Please open the third page. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 開く | 開いて |
Romaji Reading | hiraku | hiraite |
English Meaning | open | N/A |
このアルバムを聴いてください。Please listen to this album. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 聴く | 聴いて |
Romaji Reading | kiku | kiite |
English Meaning | listen | N/A |
ここをクリックしてください。Please click here. (Polite Form)
「クリック」is a noun and「する」is a verb.「クリックする」means “click.”
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | する | して |
Romaji Reading | suru | shite |
English Meaning | do | N/A |
Please come to our classroom at tomorrow 5 o’clock. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 来る | 来て |
Romaji Reading | kuru | kite |
English Meaning | come | N/A |
The sound is low. Please turn up the volume. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 上げる | 上げて |
Romaji Reading | ageru | agete |
English Meaning | raise, turn up, lift | N/A |
19時までに宿題を終わらせてください。Please finish your homework by 7pm. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 終わらせる | 終わらせて |
Romaji Reading | owaraseru | owarasete |
English Meaning | finish | N/A |
この薬を飲んでください。Please take this medicine. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 飲む | 飲んで |
Romaji Reading | nomu | nonde |
English Meaning | drink | N/A |
昨日よりも速く走ってください。Please run faster than yesterday. (Polite Form)
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 走る | 走って |
Romaji Reading | hashiru | hashitte |
English Meaning | run | N/A |
「~ていただけますか。」is More Polite
「~てください」is in polite form. However, it is not suitable depending on the situation. In business,「~ていただけますか。」is often used than「~てください。」.
「~ていただけますか。」is more polite than「~てください。」. It is often translated as “Could you ~, please?”
電話番号を教えていただけますか。Could you give me your phone number, please?
Dictionary & Plain Form | て Form | |
Key Word | 教える | 教えて |
Romaji Reading | oshieru | oshiete |
English Meaning | teach, tell | N/A |
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