Education, Study, and Subjects How to say “exam,” or “test” in Japanese | 試験 (しけん、shiken) The Japanese vocabulary「試験 (しけん、shiken)」means "exam,” or “test." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 26.03.2025 Education, Study, and Subjects
Places How to say “within the company” in Japanese | 社内 (しゃない、shanai) The Japanese vocabulary「社内 (しゃない、shanai)」means "within the company." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 26.03.2025 Places
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “Japanese leek” in Japanese | 長ネギ (ながねぎ、naganegi) The Japanese vocabulary「長ネギ (ながねぎ、naganegi)」means "Japanese leek." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 13.03.2025 Fruits and Vegetables
Gardening, Flowers, and Trees How to say “marguerite daisy” in Japanese | マーガレット (māgaretto) The Japanese vocabulary「マーガレット (māgaretto)」means "marguerite daisy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 09.03.2025 Gardening, Flowers, and Trees
Jobs How to say “work,” “task,” or “business” in Japanese | 業務 (ぎょうむ、gyōmu) The Japanese vocabulary「業務 (ぎょうむ、gyōmu)」means "work,” “task,” or “business." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 14.02.2025 Jobs
い-Adjectives Protected: How to say “sweet” in Japanese | 甘い (あまい、amai) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「甘い (あまい、amai)」means “sweet” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 12.02.2025 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “small” in Japanese | 小さい (ちいさい、chīsai) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「小さい (ちいさい、chīsai)」means “small” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 11.02.2025 い-Adjectives
い-Adjectives How to say “big” or “large” in Japanese | 大きい (おおきい、ōkī) | い-Adjective The Japanese vocabulary「大きい (おおきい、ōkī)」means “big" or "large” and is an い-adjective. We will teach you the conjugation and the example sentences on this page. 05.02.2025 い-Adjectives
Nouns (Others) How to say “all” in Japanese | 全部 (ぜんぶ、zenbu) The Japanese vocabulary「全部 (ぜんぶ、zenbu)」means "all." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 04.02.2025 Nouns (Others)
Animals How to say “chimpanzee” in Japanese | チンパンジー (chinpanjī) The Japanese vocabulary「チンパンジー (chinpanjī)」means "chimpanzee." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 23.01.2025 Animals