Things, Items and Tools

How to say “book” in Japanese | 本 (ほん、hon)

The Japanese vocabulary「本 (ほん、hon)」means "book." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “baby” in Japanese | 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん、akachan)

The Japanese vocabulary「赤ちゃん (あかちゃん、akachan)」means "baby." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

「ている (teiru)」 Japanese Grammar and Meanings | Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson

We will teach you the grammar and uses of the phrase「ている」. It has several uses, and we have seen many learners who do not know them. Please learn about「ている」on this page.

Commonly Used Phrases in Japanese Conversation Lessons Part 2 | Our Instructions, Questions, and Replies

We will introduce common phrases used in our private conversation lessons. Today's phrases are focused on our instructions, questions, and replies. Please learn them to start our lesson smoothly.

How to say “frying pan” in Japanese | フライパン (furaipan)

The Japanese vocabulary「フライパン (furaipan)」means "frying pan." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “fruit” in Japanese | 果物 (くだもの、kudamono)

The Japanese vocabulary「果物 (くだもの、kudamono)」means "fruit." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “nurse” in Japanese | 看護師 (かんごし、kangoshi)

The Japanese vocabulary「看護師 (かんごし、kangoshi)」means "nurse." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “light (weight)” in Japanese | 軽い (かるい、karui)

The Japanese vocabulary「軽い (かるい、karui)」means "light (weight)." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “heavy” in Japanese | 重い (おもい、omoi)

The Japanese vocabulary「重い (おもい、omoi)」means "heavy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “a little/bit” or “few” in Japanese | 少し (すこし、sukoshi)

The Japanese vocabulary「少し (すこし、sukoshi)」means "a little/bit" or "few." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.