
How to say “work clothes” in Japanese | 作業服 (さぎょうふく、sagyōfuku)

The Japanese vocabulary「作業服 (さぎょうふく、sagyōfuku)」means "work clothes." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Things, Items, and Tools

How to say “hairband” in Japanese | ヘアバンド (heabando)

The Japanese vocabulary「ヘアバンド (heabando)」means "hairband." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “wolf” in Japanese | 狼 (おおかみ、オオカミ、ōkami)

The Japanese vocabulary「狼 (おおかみ、オオカミ、ōkami)」means "wolf." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “ginger” in Japanese | 生姜 (しょうが、ショウガ、shōga)

The Japanese vocabulary「生姜 (しょうが、ショウガ、shōga)」means "ginger." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “fur seal” in Japanese | オットセイ (ottosei)

The Japanese vocabulary「オットセイ (ottosei)」means "fur seal." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fish and Sea Creatures

How to say “clownfish” in Japanese | カクレクマノミ (kakurekumanomi)

The Japanese vocabulary「カクレクマノミ (kakurekumanomi)」means "clownfish” or “anemonefish." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “family” in Japanese | 家族 (かぞく、kazoku)

The Japanese vocabulary「家族 (かぞく、kazoku)」means "family." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “hippopotamus” in Japanese | カバ (かば、kaba)

The Japanese vocabulary「カバ (かば、kaba)」means "hippopotamus." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Things, Items, and Tools

How to say “clay” in Japanese | 粘土 (ねんど、nendo)

The Japanese vocabulary「粘土 (ねんど、nendo)」means "clay." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fish and Sea Creatures

How to say “mackerel” in Japanese | 鯖 (さば、サバ、saba)

The Japanese vocabulary「鯖 (さば、サバ、saba)」means "mackerel." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.