Science and Nature

How to say “wind” in Japanese | 風 (かぜ、kaze)

The Japanese vocabulary「風 (かぜ、kaze)」means "wind." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Things, Items, and Tools

How to say “traditional Japanese bedding” in Japanese | 布団 (ふとん、futon)

The Japanese vocabulary「布団 (ふとん、futon)」means "traditional Japanese bedding." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “club in a university” in Japanese | サークル (sākuru)

The Japanese vocabulary「サークル (sākuru)」means "club in a university." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “aunt” in Japanese | おば (oba)

The Japanese vocabulary「おば (oba)」means "aunt." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “flower (cherry blossom) viewing” in Japanese | 花見 (はなみ、hanami)

The Japanese vocabulary「花見 (はなみ、hanami)」means "flower (cherry blossom) viewing." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Units of Measurement

How to say “milliliter” in Japanese | ミリリットル (miririttoru)

The Japanese vocabulary「ミリリットル (miririttoru)」means "milliliter." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Education, Study, and Subjects

How to say “division” in Japanese | 割り算 (わりざん、warizan)

The Japanese vocabulary「割り算 (わりざん、warizan)」means "division." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “mistake” or “make a mistake” in Japanese | 間違える (まちがえる、machigaeru)

The Japanese vocabulary「間違える (まちがえる、machigaeru)」means "mistake” or “make a mistake." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Nouns (Others)

How to say “automatic door” in Japanese | 自動ドア (じどうどあ、jidō doa)

The Japanese vocabulary「自動ドア (じどうどあ、jidō doa)」means "automatic door." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “resemble” or “be similar” in Japanese | 似る (にる、niru)

The Japanese vocabulary「似る (にる、niru)」means "resemble” or “be similar." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.