Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “papaya” in Japanese | パパイヤ (papaiya)

The Japanese vocabulary「パパイヤ (papaiya)」means "papaya." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “tomato” in Japanese | トマト (tomato)

The Japanese vocabulary「トマト (tomato)」means "tomato." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “green pepper” in Japanese | ピーマン (pīman)

The Japanese vocabulary「ピーマン (pīman)」means "green pepper." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “husband” in Japanese | 旦那 (だんな、dan’na)

The Japanese vocabulary「旦那 (だんな、dan'na)」means "husband." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “Japanese radish” in Japanese | 大根 (だいこん、daikon)

The Japanese vocabulary「大根 (だいこん、daikon)」means "Japanese radish." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Human and Society

How to say “elderly person/people” in Japanese | 年配者 (ねんぱいしゃ、nenpaisha)

The Japanese vocabulary「年配者 (ねんぱいしゃ、nenpaisha)」means "elderly person/people." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Things, Items, and Tools

How to say “school bag for elementary school students” in Japanese | ランドセル (randoseru)

The Japanese vocabulary「ランドセル (randoseru)」means "school bag for elementary school students." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.

How to say “pencil case (box)” in Japanese | 筆箱 (ふでばこ、fudebako)

The Japanese vocabulary「筆箱 (ふでばこ、fudebako)」means "pencil case (box)." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “carrot” in Japanese | 人参 (にんじん、ニンジン、ninjin)

The Japanese vocabulary「ニンジン (にんじん、ninjin)」means "carrot." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.
Fruits and Vegetables

How to say “onion” in Japanese | 玉ねぎ (たまねぎ、tamanegi)

The Japanese vocabulary「玉ねぎ (たまねぎ、tamanegi)」means "onion." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences.