Animals How to say “gorilla” in Japanese | ゴリラ (gorira) The Japanese vocabulary「ゴリラ (gorira)」means "gorilla." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Animals
Musical Instruments How to say “violin” in Japanese | バイオリン (baiorin)/ ヴァイオリン (vaiorin) The Japanese vocabulary「バイオリン (baiorin)/ ヴァイオリン (vaiorin)」means "violin." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments How to say “bass guitar” in Japanese | ベース (bēsu) The Japanese vocabulary「ベース (bēsu)」means "bass guitar." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Musical Instruments
Animals How to say “lion” in Japanese | ライオン (raion) The Japanese vocabulary「ライオン (raion)」means "lion." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Animals
Education, Study, and Subjects How to say “mathematics” in Japanese | 算数 (さんすう、sansū) The Japanese vocabulary「算数 (さんすう、sansū)」means "mathematics." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Education, Study, and Subjects
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “what month” in Japanese | 何月 (なんがつ、nangatsu) The Japanese vocabulary「何月 (なんがつ、nangatsu)」means "what month." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “medicine” in Japanese | 薬 (くすり、kusuri) The Japanese vocabulary「薬 (くすり、kusuri)」means "medicine." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 29.12.2022 Things, Items, and Tools
Places How to say “toilet“ or “restroom” in Japanese | トイレ (toire) The Japanese vocabulary「トイレ (toire)」means "toilet“ or “restroom." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.12.2022 Places
Musical Instruments How to say “piano” in Japanese | ピアノ (piano) The Japanese vocabulary「ピアノ (piano)」means "piano." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.12.2022 Musical Instruments
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “ten o’clock” in Japanese | 十時/ 10時 (じゅうじ、jūji) The Japanese vocabulary「十時/ 10時 (じゅうじ、jūji)」means "ten o'clock." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.12.2022 Years, Months, Days, and Times