Human and Society How to say “elderly person/people” in Japanese | 年配者 (ねんぱいしゃ、nenpaisha) The Japanese vocabulary「年配者 (ねんぱいしゃ、nenpaisha)」means "elderly person/people." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.12.2022 Human and Society
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “carrot” in Japanese | 人参 (にんじん、ニンジン、ninjin) The Japanese vocabulary「ニンジン (にんじん、ninjin)」means "carrot." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.12.2022 Fruits and Vegetables
Home Appliances How to say “microwave” in Japanese | 電子レンジ (denshirenji) The Japanese vocabulary「電子レンジ (denshi renji)」means "microwave." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 23.12.2022 Home Appliances
Animals How to say “parrot” or “parakeet” in Japanese | インコ (inko) The Japanese vocabulary「インコ (inko)」means "parrot" or "parakeet." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 20.12.2022 Animals
Things, Items, and Tools How to say “ink” in Japanese | インク (inku) The Japanese vocabulary「インク (inku)」means "ink." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 20.12.2022 Things, Items, and Tools
Animals How to say “dolphin” in Japanese | イルカ (iruka) The Japanese vocabulary「イルカ (iruka)」means "dolphin." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 19.12.2022 Animals
Fruits and Vegetables How to say “strawberry” in Japanese | 苺 (いちご、イチゴ、ichigo) The Japanese vocabulary「苺 (いちご、イチゴ、ichigo)」means "strawberry." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 19.12.2022 Fruits and Vegetables
Animals How to say “squid” in Japanese | イカ (いか、ika) The Japanese vocabulary「イカ (いか、ika)」means "squid." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 19.12.2022 Animals
Human and Society How to say “human” in Japanese | 人間 (にんげん、ningen) The Japanese vocabulary「人間 (にんげん、ningen)」means "human." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 18.11.2022 Human and Society
Science and Nature How to Say “Temperature” in Japanese | The Difference Between “温度 (おんど, ondo)” and “気温 (きおん, kion) “温度 (おんど、ondo)” and “気温 (きおん, kion) are often translated as “temperature.” However, the meaning of the two words in Japanese is a bit different. 02.10.2022 Science and Nature