Phrases How to say “I’m from ~.” in Japanese | 私は、~出身です。| Japanese Phrases The Japanese phrase「私は、~出身です。」means "I’m from ~." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 01.10.2022 Phrases
い-Adjectives Protected: How to say “busy” in Japanese | 忙しい (いそがしい、isogashī) The Japanese vocabulary「忙しい (いそがしい、isogashī)」means "busy." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.09.2022 い-Adjectives
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “dawn (noun) ” in Japanese | 明け方 (あけがた、akegata) The Japanese vocabulary「明け方 (あけがた、akegata)」means "dawn (noun)." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 28.09.2022 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Japanese Basics The Modern Hiragana and Katakana Chart | 五十音 (gojūon), 濁音 (Dakuon), 半濁音 (Handakuon) | Japanese Basics The modern hiragana and katakana chart is called「五十音 (ごじゅうおん, gojūon)」. You can also learn dakuon and handakuon through this page. If you want to learn the pronunciations, please watch the attached video. 25.09.2022 Japanese Basics
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “tomorrow” in Japanese | 明日 (あす、asu/ あした、ashita) The Japanese vocabulary「明日 (あす、asu/ あした、ashita)」means "tomorrow." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2022 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Body parts How to say “head” in Japanese | 頭 (あたま、atama) The Japanese vocabulary「頭 (あたま、atama)」means "head." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2022 Body parts
Body parts How to say “ankle” in Japanese | 足首 (あしくび、ashikubi) The Japanese vocabulary「足首 (あしくび、ashikubi)」means "ankle." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2022 Body parts
Years, Months, Days, and Times How to say “one o’clock” in Japanese | 一時/ 1時 (いちじ、ichiji) The Japanese vocabulary「一時/ 1時 (いちじ、ichiji)」means "one o'clock." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2022 Years, Months, Days, and Times
Home Appliances How to say “iron” in Japanese | アイロン (airon) The Japanese vocabulary「アイロン (airon)」means "iron." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 24.09.2022 Home Appliances
Drinks How to say “iced coffee” in Japanese | アイスコーヒー (aisukōhī) The Japanese vocabulary「アイスコーヒー (aisukōhī)」means "iced coffee." Please learn the pronunciation and the example sentences. 23.09.2022 Drinks