Potential Verb「泳げる(およげる、oyogeru)」and the Conjugation | can swim, be able to swim

「泳げる(およげる、oyogeru)」is a verb that is classified as a「可能動詞 (かのうどうし、kanō dōshi、potential verb)」. It means “can swim” or “be able to swim.” 「泳ぐ(およぐ、oyogu)」and「泳げる」are different verbs in Japanese.


I’m Ichiyo and I represent “Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson.”

My job is teaching Japanese to non-native Japanese learners.

When you do not know how to use the conjugation, please learn about it in our conversation lessons or our mail support. In our mail support, we check your Japanese every time. If you have an internet connection and a PC/smartphone, you can learn Japanese with us all over the world.
Conversation Lesson & Daily Japanese Mail Support: Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson

Vocabulary Video

Before you learn the conjugations, please learn about the pronunciation of the verb in dictionary and polite forms.

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Dictionary Form/ます Form of a Potential Verb

As you know, English tenses are roughly divided into present, future, and past tenses. However, it is said that Japanese tenses consist only of “Past Tense” and “Non-Past Tense.” Therefore, we used “Dictionary Form,” not “Present Tense” in this heading.
Japanese people use two types of language. One is “non-honorific language” and the other is “honorific language.” When we focus on these languages, “dictionary” and “plain” forms are in “non-honorific language.” “Polite form” is in honorific language.

English Meaning: can swim/(will) be able to swim

PositiveConjugationRomaji Reading
Dictionary & Plain Formおよげるoyogeru
ます & Polite Form泳げますoyogemasu

辞書じしょけい (dictionary form)」is the original form. The technical term is for non-native Japanese speakers. Therefore, native Japanese usually do not know the word.「ますけい (ます form)」is the polite form of a dictionary form. The term is also for non-native Japanese speakers.

Mitsuharu-kun can swim 25 meters using the front crawl.

光晴みつはるくんはクロールで25メートル泳げる。(Plain Form)
光晴君はクロールで25メートル泳げます。(Polite Form)

It’s sunny today so we can swim in the pool.

今日きょうれたので、プールで泳げる。(Plain Form)
今日は晴れたので、プールで泳げます。(Polite Form)

English Meaning: cannot swim/be not able to swim

NegativeConjugationRomaji Reading
Plain Formおよげないoyogenai
Polite Form泳げませんoyogemasen

I can’t swim 100 meters.

わたしは、100メートル泳げない。(Plain Form)
私は、100メートル泳げません。(Polite Form)

・私は、100メートル泳げません。I can’t swim 100 meters.
・私は、100メートル泳げません。I can’t swim 100 meters.
・私は、100メートル泳げません。I can’t swim 100 meters.
By the way, these sentences are often translated as “I can’t swim 100 meters.” However, the meaning of these Japanese sentences are a bit different. If you do not know the details, please learn about it in our private lessons or mail support.

The sea is rough so we can’t swim today.

うみれていて、今日きょうは泳げない。(Plain Form)
海が荒れていて、今日は泳げません。(Polite Form)

Conditional Form of a Potential Verb

Conditional form is「仮定形かていけい」in Japanese.

English Meaning: if (subject) can swim/(will) be able to swim

PositiveConjugationRomaji Reading
Plain Formおよげればoyogereba

If I can swim 50 meters in 18 seconds, I’ll be the best in the world.

50メートルを18びょうで泳げれば、世界せかいいちになれる。(Plain Form)
50メートルを18秒で泳げれば、世界一になれます。(Polite Form)

If I could swim, I could have rescued that cat

わたしおよげれば、あのねこ救出きゅうしゅつできたのに…。(Non-honorific Language)
私が泳げれば、あの猫を救出できたのですが…。(Honorific Language)

We do not use「…」in formal writing. In this case, it indicates a sad feeling that the person could not save the cat.

Imperative Form

可能かのう動詞どうし (potential verbs)」do not have an imperative form.

A Related Verb

「泳ぐ(およぐ、oyogu)」is a verb related to「泳げる」. If you want to learn about it, please check out this page:

To Learn Correct Verb Conjugations

Japanese verb conjugation is too complicated and there are many learners who use it incorrectly. Therefore, we provide lessons and services where we teach and correct your Japanese daily. If you want to know more about the details, please check out our website.
Our website: Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson

Japanese private online lesson
To Have Correct Japanese Language Skills

We teach Japanese to non-native Japanese learners. From our experience, 90% of Japanese learners use incorrect Japanese and often speak rudely, even though they have lived in Japan for many years.

Therefore, we created two services. One is our "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson" and the other is our "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service.

In the "Private Japanese Conversation Lesson," you can talk with a native Japanese teacher. Let us practice conversation together!

private Japanese conversation lesson

In the "Daily Japanese Mail Support" service, we will check your Japanese daily through email. Please show us the Japanese sentences that you wrote, your pronunciations, your handwritten Japanese characters, and so on. You can also ask us questions about Japanese.

Daily Japanese Mail Support

If you are a member of our private lesson or "Daily Japanese Mail Support," we can check and correct your Japanese every day.

The details are on our website: https://ichiwebsite.com/

Potential Verb