There are many patterns when we write Japanese vocabulary. For example,「きりん」has three writing patterns. These are「きりん」,「キリン」, and「麒麟」. Please learn the patterns through this page. By the way,「きりん」means “giraffe.”

I’m Ichiyo and I represent “Ichiyo’s Japanese Online Lesson.”
My job is teaching Japanese to non-native Japanese learners.
Character Patterns
1. Vocabulary we write using only hiragana characters.
Key Word | これ | しかし | する |
Romaji Reading | kore | shikashi | suru |
Meaning | this | but | do |
Actually, we can write the above words using kanji characters.
Key Word | 此れ | 然し | 為る |
Romaji Reading | kore | shikashi | suru |
Meaning | this | but | do |
However, it is unnatural to use kanji characters when we write these words.
The key point is that there are certain kanji characters we do not use.
2. Vocabulary we write using only kanji characters.
Here are some examples of vocabulary we write using only kanji characters.
Key Word | 英語 | 服 | 図書館 |
Romaji Reading | eigo | fuku | toshokan |
Meaning | English | clothes | library |
3. Vocabulary we write using kanji and hiragana characters.
Key Word | 大切な | 書く | 申し込む |
Romaji Reading | taisetsuna | kaku | mōshikomu |
Meaning | important | write | apply |
In these words, the hiragana characters are called「送り仮名 (okurigana)」.
4. Vocabulary we write using only katakana characters.
Key Word | カッター | トランペット | パソコン |
Romaji Reading | kattā | toranpetto | pasokon |
Meaning | box cutter | trumpet | PC |
5. Vocabulary we write using katakana and hiragana characters.
Key Word | キレる | ヤバい | ユニークな |
Romaji Reading | kireru | yabai | yunīkuna |
Meaning | lose one’s temper (Slang) | oh my god, dope (Slang) | unique |
6. Vocabulary we write using hiragana, katakana, or kanji characters.
Key Word | にわとり、ニワトリ、鶏 | ばら、バラ、薔薇 |
Romaji Reading | niwatori | bara |
Meaning | chicken | rose |
For example, we can use three writing patterns when we write「にわとり」. We can write it using hiragana, katakana, or kanji characters.
7. Vocabulary we write using hiragana or kanji characters.
Key Word | さらに、更に | もしくは、若しくは |
Romaji Reading | sarani | moshikuwa |
Meaning | moreover | or |
When we write「さらに」, we write it as「さらに」or「更に」. When we write「もしくは」, we write it as「もしくは」or「若しくは」.
8. Vocabulary we write using hiragana or katakana characters.
Key Word | かば、カバ | のこぎり、ノコギリ |
Romaji Reading | kaba | nokogiri |
Meaning | hippopotamus | saw |
Actually, these words have kanji characters.「かば」is「河馬」and「のこぎり」is「鋸」. However, we commonly write them using hiragana or katakana.
9. Others.
There are more patterns besides those we explained.
What Characters Should I Use?

「りんご」has three writing patterns. Which characters should I use?
「りんご」,「リンゴ」, or「林檎」?

When we think about what characters we should use, we must consider the balance of characters in a sentence and the situation. Therefore, we cannot answer the question without knowing the sentence and the situation. Please show them to us in our conversation lessons or mail support.
Moreover, there are no exact rules of it in many cases. Therefore, it is difficult to choose whether to use kanji, hiragana, or katakana characters even for Japanese people. The key point is to write sentences that Japanese people can understand easily. To write correct and natural Japanese, please show us your Japanese through our “Daily Japanese Mail Support” or conversation lessons. In our mail support, a professional Japanese teacher will check your Japanese every time.